Stephen Ministry

When someone is in need of care, we are there

Our Stephen Ministers care for anyone who is in need.

People are saying:

"I didn't know what to expect from my Stephen Minister, but he put me at ease. I had a friend I could trust who really cared about me. My caregiver showed me how to work things out for myself and had the patience to let me do it."
"When I really needed a friend, my Stephen Minister was there. We cried together a lot, prayed together, talked and now we laugh together."
"I wanted answers and she asked questions. She knew how to see things a new way and her questions helped me find my own answers. I thought God had forgotten me, but my Stephen Minister helped me grow close to God. She loves me. So does God. So do I."

If you or someone you know is in need of confidential care and support, we are there for you.

Bethesda United Methodist Church
2922 Bethesda Road
Lexington, NC 27295
(336) 731-4285

Bethesda United Methodist Church (
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